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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Please select the clinic or service that you would like from the list for more information.

Chronic disease management


Asthma is caused by inflammation of the airways. These are the small tubes, called bronchi, which carry air in and out of the lungs. If you have asthma, the bronchi will be inflamed and more sensitive than normal.

Please make it clear to reception staff that you are asthmatic when you phone.

Our practice nurses have specialist asthma qualifications. They run clinics in order that asthma may be assessed, advice offered, queries answered and the correct treatment ensured.

Patients on asthma medication should be seen at least once a year in the asthma clinic for a check up with the nurse.

The following factsheets, available from Patient UK give information and advice on a variety of asthma related topics:


  • NHS website – Asthma’s symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and living with the condition
  • Asthma UK – an independent UK charity dedicated to conquering asthma

Chronic disease monitoring follows the progress of a collection of conditions including Coronary heart disease, Diabetes and Lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease.

Also known as COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) people suffering from this have trouble breathing in and out. This is referred to as airflow obstruction.

Breathing difficulties are caused by long-term damage to the lungs, usually because of smoking.

At the surgery we regularly monitor patients with COPD and provide an action plan to assist and help you to relieve your symptoms.


Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease happens when your heart’s blood supply is blocked or interrupted by a build up of fatty substances in the coronary arteries.

Over time this can build up and if your coronary arteries become narrow due to this build up of fatty deposits, the blood supply to your heart will be restricted; this can cause angina (chest pains).

If a coronary artery becomes completely blocked, it can cause a heart attack.

By making some simple lifestyle changes, you can reduce your risk of getting CHD. If you already have heart disease, you can take steps to reduce your risk of developing further heart-related problems.



Diabetes is a long term condition caused by too much glucose, a type of sugar, in the blood. It is also known as diabetes mellitus.

There are two main types of diabetes, which are explained below:

  • type 1 diabetes
  • type 2 diabetes

Normally, the amount of sugar in the blood is controlled by a hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland behind the stomach. When food is digested and enters your bloodstream, insulin moves any glucose out of the blood and into cells, where it is broken down to produce energy.

However, in people with diabetes, the body is unable to break down glucose into energy. This is because there is either not enough insulin to move the glucose, or because the insulin that is there does not work properly.

Our specialist diabetes team will provide you with support, regular reviews and the day to day care of your needs.



Hypertension relates to high blood pressure.

High blood pressure often causes no symptoms, or immediate problems, but it is a major risk factor for developing a serious cardiovascular disease (conditions that affect the functioning of the heart and the circulation of blood around the body), such as a stroke or heart disease.


Pregnancy and babies

Planning your pregnancy

If you are planning to have a baby you need to know more information about how to look after yourself and your unborn baby. We can provide you with all the information you need to know to have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Antenatal care

Finding out you are pregnant

In Bucks newly pregnant ladies should self refer to the Midwifery service. This can be done by visiting Maternity Services – Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and completing the self referral form.

General pregnancy topics


Antenatal care

Antenatal care is the care and help you receive from health professionals during the course of your pregnancy. It is important you take good care of your own health and that of your unborn baby during pregnancy.

As soon as you find out you are pregnant, you should get in touch with us to find out more information on the services and support that are available to you.


Postnatal care

Postnatal care extends for between 6 to 8 weeks after the birth of your baby. During this period, routine checks are carried out by the health visitor and you and your baby’s recovery is monitored.

During your postnatal care you will find out about feeding, potty training, illnesses, safety and more. You will be able to ask your health visitor questions and request advice.


Childhood immunisations

On Wednesday mornings one a month on a Friday morning there is a childhood immunisation clinic, which is by appointment only. Please do not bring ill or infectious children to this clinic.

The health visitors will have a drop in clinic on Tuesdays, 9:15am to 11am at the West Wycombe Childrens Centre at Milbrook School, please call the health visitors on 01494 530945 for more information.

One of the most important things that a parent can do for their child is to make sure that they have all their routine childhood vaccinations. It’s the most effective way of keeping them protected against infectious diseases.

Ideally, children should have their jabs at the right age to protect them as early as possible and minimise the risk of infection. Find out which jabs your child needs, when they need them, and what the benefits of each jab are.

Contact your health visitor for further information.


Sexual health and family planning

Chlamydia screening

Chlamydia screening is available at pharmacies or local sexual health clinics.

See for your nearest clinic.

For more information visit the NHS website.

Family planning/contraception

All of our doctors and nurses are fully trained and offer a comprehensive family planning service. We are currently unable to offer the fitting of coils or implants.

Please contact the local sexual health clinic who will be able to help

We provide a range of services including:

  • Confidential advice about contraception
  • The combined oral contraceptive pill
  • The progestogen-only pill
  • Progestogen injections
  • Free emergency contraception
  • Confidential advice about STIs
  • Cervical screening
  • Unplanned pregnancy advice
  • Pre-conception advice and fertility awareness information


Sexual health

Sexual health services at Tower House Surgery

  • Contraception and contraception advice
  • Emergency contraception and emergency contraception advice
  • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea
  • Testing and counselling for HIV and AIDS

If you need advice and support with a sexual health matter or you think you have a problem you would like to discuss, please call the surgery to make an appointment.

Sexual health services are freely available for everyone.

Sexual health services in Bucks

There are services at various locations in Wycombe and in Aylesbury, such as the SHAW and Brookside clinics.

For more information visit


Keeping healthy

Cervical smear tests

The practice nurses provide a cervical cancer screening service. See national guidelines. The test involves the nurse doing a vaginal examination and taking a sample of the cells on the surface of the neck of the womb (the cervix). The sample is then examined under the microscope at the lab.

The aim is to look for and identify cancer warning cells. If these are found then treatment can be organised to prevent cervical cancer ever developing.

To have your smear simply book an appointment with the practice nurses.


Counselling and mental health

Focus on mental health

Mental and emotional problems are very common and all our doctors are used to treating them; work in psychiatry is a significant part of a GP’s training.

Am I Ill?

Everyone has times in their life when they feel rather anxious or sad, and this is quite normal, particularly after a distressing event such as a divorce or bereavement. However sometimes these feelings can become so severe that they stop you being able to live your normal life, so that it is difficult or even impossible to cope with work, or with family commitments. Or perhaps there is just no pleasure in life anymore, and you can’t even find a reason why this should be. If things have become this bad, it may be that you are experiencing a mental illness rather than just a “normal downturn” and it may be a good idea to talk things over with your doctor.

The very idea of having a mental illness such as depression can be quite frightening, but up to 25% of adults have an episode of depression at some time in their lives, so it is not at all uncommon, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Most people find that once they see a doctor they are starting on the path to recovery.

Specific mental health problems

There is not space here to give details on specific mental health problems, but some very good leaflets are available:

The right treatment for you

In terms of treatments, your doctor can offer a range of treatments including both medications and ‘talking treatments’. Modern antidepressants are not habit-forming or addictive; there are several different types available and your doctor can discuss the options with you to decide which is likely to suit you best. Alternatively, or in addition, you may choose a ‘talking treatment’ such as counselling or psychological therapy: again, your doctor can advise on what is likely to suit you best, and how to access it. Most talking therapies are available free on the NHS, although waiting lists can be long; alternatively the doctors can advise on finding a private counsellor or psychologist.

Leaflets about treatments:

Don’t suffer alone

If you have read this far, you may still be wondering whether to come in and see the doctor about your problems. Why not pick up the phone and make that appointment to talk it through? You don’t need to give the receptionist any details, just say it is a personal matter. The first time, ask for a 20 minute appointment so you and your doctor have some extra time to talk.

Dr Sarah Annetts


Smoking cessation

Smoking cessation service is no longer provided by the surgery. Studies show that your chances of success will be greatly improved if you get advice and support from healthcare professionals to help you stop smoking.​

Patients can self refer to the free service live well stay well by calling 01628 857311.


  • Gosmokefree – This website contains detailed information about the free NHS support services.
  • Smoking cessation – The NHS Website – if you smoke, giving up is probably the greatest single step you can take to improve your health.
  • – Quit is the independent charity whose aim is to save lives by helping smokers to stop.
Weight management

If you would like to know more about weight and diet advice, we offer a weight management clinic giving you advice on how to lose weight and stay healthy.

You can also self refer to a free local service live well stay well by calling 01628 857311 or visit


Travel services

If you are travelling abroad you will need to start thinking about your travel vaccinations 8 weeks before. Our travel services offer advice on travel illnesses and a range of vaccinations. In order for you to prepare for travel, complete and return to the surgery the travel questionnaire form below at least 8 weeks before your intended date of travel.

Failure to do so, may mean we are unable to offer you an appointment to have your vaccinations.


Over 75’s health check

If you are 75 years of age or older and are not receiving treatment for any long term or chronic illness/ condition and would like a basic heath check, please contact our reception team and ask for an Over 75’s health check with our nursing team.

Other services provided

Community paramedic service

The partners are excited to welcome a paramedic, Teresa, to our team. Teresa will be running a community paramedic service. She will provide a minor illness clinic Monday to Thursday to complement our existing clinical team.

Our reception team will ask our patients a number of questions to ensure you are directed to the most appropriate health professional for your condition or ailment.

Phlebotomy clinic

Blood tests requested by your GP will be carried out at the surgery by our phlebotomist, Helen. Contact our receptionists to book an appointment or use our online booking service.

If your blood test is fasting or urgent, please tell the receptionist.

Individual funding requests

The local ICB receive money from the Government to pay for healthcare for everyone registered with a GP. Their job is to get best value for this money by spending it wisely on your behalf. Demand for healthcare is growing, but there is only a set amount of money available to spend so difficult decisions may have to be made.

The priority is paying for those medicines and treatments that are proven to work well, can demonstrate they improve peoples’ health and offer good value for money. As a result there are some treatments the local ICBs do not normally commission.

Visit the website which explains how a GP or consultant can ask, on the patient’s behalf, for treatments that are not normally funded locally on the NHS. This is called an Individual Funding Request (IFR).

The process is managed on behalf of the local ICBs by the IFR team within South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit.

The website is for patients, the public and clinicians in Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and Swindon. For further information visit

Tower House Surgery is a member of the Chiltern ICB.

Medicals, letters to third parties and claim forms

The doctors are entitled to charge for some items of work which are not part of the NHS. Patients are often asked by a third party organisation to obtain various letters or certificates from their GP.

In order to provide good NHS funded care, the doctors at Tower House limit the amount of private work they do.

Letters of support for benefits, local authorities, and other similar organisations/ agencies

The job of GPs is to provide medical care to their patients and they are not in a position to administer, nor to police, the benefits system. It is not appropriate for GPs to be asked for letters of support or letters to confirm care needs. GPs are neither contracted nor resourced by the NHS to provide this service and do not have the capacity to do so. Time taken up with paperwork is time taken away from direct patient care.

The Local Medical Committee for Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire has produced this leaflet for patients to further explain this policy.

Non-emergency patient transport service (NEPTS) in the Thames Valley Area

The NEPTS service

NEPTS provides transport for patients who have a medical reason that means they are not able to travel for treatment by another means. There are eligibility criteria to ensure that resources are focused on those who need the service most.

Where to get more information

You can access all the latest information on the NEPTS service or contact us to request more information at:


0300 123 3235


Improvement from 1st April 2016

There are improvements to the way that patients book and manage NEPTS journeys, and we are introducing thepatient zone, an online portal where patients can manage their booking and check their journey status. We will also be introducing new service innovations to improve the service, including:

  • SCAS staff in key hospitals to enhance patient service and enable us to improve vehicle turnaround times
  • Enhanced SMS text notifications to provide you with more detailed booking and journey status information

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 11 December 2024