We are a number of patients from the surgeries within Cygnet PCN (Primary Care Network) who volunteered to form this group. Our aim is to further improve the practices by giving a patient perspective to the way it runs.
The doctors and practice staff want the involvement of patients and recognise that there must have been occasions when you have thought “they could do better”.
I am sure most of us agree the practice runs well because the doctors and staff care.
However, we can all help by coming up with some good ideas which can help improve things further. Communication is a real two way process. Use this group as your forum for making suggestions about practice performance and health care.
Improvements that have been made in response to PPG feedback
The following changes have been actioned as a result of our patient group’s feedback:
- Electronic entrance door
- Changes to the practice website to make it more user-friendly
- Air conditioning has been installed in the waiting room areas
- Creation of 2 new consulting rooms on the first floor to facilitate more flexibility and additional appointment availability
- Two self-check-in screens were purchased which have the facility to inform patients when they check-in, if the clinician they are seeing is running late, and how many patients are in front of them
- Improved communication with patients when clinicians running late – the doctor or receptionist will make an announcement
- The automated telephone booking system was upgraded in March 2014
- Television display screens – increased use of these to inform patients about services, wider health care issues/ conditions, advice and sign posting to the appropriate places for care. Upgraded screens announce as well as display the name of the next patient, the doctor and the consulting room
- Bicycle rack and garden bench
- Redesign of the waiting areas (including new notice boards, leaflet holders and magazine racks)
Join our Patient Participation Group
Would you like to join us? It doesn’t take much time to make a difference
To join:
- fill out a Patient Participation Group registration form
- phone us on 01494 526840