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Healthcare team


Helen is our surgery phlebotomist.


Our pharmacists are Prerana and Razvana.

Pharmacy technicians

Our pharmacy technicians are Leanne Brown and Oliver Akin-George.

They deal with our chronic disease review call system.

GP assistant

Eliot Huxley is our GP assistant.

Attached staff

District nurses

District nurses are employed by the primary care trust and work closely with our practice staff to provide care for those patients who are housebound.

Health visitors

Offers advice and help to mothers with young children. They are usually available first thing in the morning, but after that are often out visiting, please leave a message on their answerphone and they will call you.

We also have help from our community midwife, counsellor and dietitian.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 11 December 2024